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Jasmine, A Common Reader

I appreciate classic literature, Jane Austen, second-hand book shopping and a good cup of tea. My 'Favourites' shelf represent the books which formed the person behind these words. 

Currently reading

The Jane Austen Book Club
Karen Joy Fowler
Becoming Queen: How a tragic and untimely death shaped the reign of Queen Victoria
Kate Williams
Gone with the Wind
Margaret Mitchell
Progress: 245/1011 pages

Little Women

Little Women (Oxford World's Classics) - Louisa May Alcott

I have to admit to being drawn to this novel on the promise of plenty of well-drawn, female characters and I wasn't disappointed. The story closely follows the childhood, adolescence and first tentative steps into adult-hood of four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. They reminded me a lot of the Bennet sisters in Pride and Prejudice, not because they were alike in character but because of how each sister had their own unmistakeable quirks and style. I want to keep it brief because I don't want to give anything away but it was just such a warm and cosy book to read. Although it was quite moralistic at times, it was kept on just the right side of saccharine with humour and humanity, and the refreshingly feisty Bluestocking Jo (who is my new role-model for life by the way). Little Women has definitely taken a place in that rather depressing of categories: 'Books I Wish I'd Read Sooner'



P.S. read with tissues at the ready, it turned into a bit of a cry-fest at times...