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Jasmine, A Common Reader

I appreciate classic literature, Jane Austen, second-hand book shopping and a good cup of tea. My 'Favourites' shelf represent the books which formed the person behind these words. 

Currently reading

The Jane Austen Book Club
Karen Joy Fowler
Becoming Queen: How a tragic and untimely death shaped the reign of Queen Victoria
Kate Williams
Gone with the Wind
Margaret Mitchell
Progress: 245/1011 pages

Thick of it: The Missing DoSAC Files

The Thick of It: The Missing DoSAC Files - Armando Iannucci, Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Tony Roche, Ian   Martin Note to self: never read this book in public, may look slightly mad chuckling to myself continuously. I flipping love The Thick of It. Favourite tv show of all time.